Meet Z Matrix (Part 2)

This time we ask: “What are your Top 5 albums”?

Bryan—The Eagles  “Hotel California”, Pink Floyd “Wish You Were Here”, Metallica “Ride the Lightning”, ZZ Top “The Very Baddest of ZZ Top”, Led Zeppelin “II” and “IV”


The Eagles “Hotel California”, Pink Floyd “Wish You Were Here”, Metallica “Ride the Lightning”, ZZ Top “The Very Baddest of ZZ Top”, Led Zeppelin “II” and “IV”

Anthony—Aerosmith “Rocks”, James Brown “Star Time”, Boston “Boston”, Jeff Beck “Blow By Blow”, Pink Floyd “Animals”


Aerosmith “Rocks”, James Brown “Star Time”, Boston “Boston”, Jeff Beck “Blow By Blow”, Pink Floyd “Animals”

Kevin—Telefon Tel Aviv “Map of What is Effortless”, Def Leppard “Hysteria”, Queensryche “Rage for Order”, OSI “Blood”, Disperse “Forward”


Telefon Tel Aviv “Map of What is Effortless”, Def Leppard “Hysteria”, Queensryche “Rage for Order”, OSI “Blood”, Disperse “Forward”